Saturday, 25 January 2014

What is Spiritual practice?

All of the effects shown in video below are produced by pointing a camera at the screen it is sending it's own signal to, and playing with the focus. 


ALL of experienced phenomena is awareness coming back onto itself. 

Such is spiritual practice. What we are doing in spiritual practice is we are adjusting the focus of awareness. All 'manifesting' and occurrences/experience flow naturally, automatically, from focus of awareness. 

The subtle adjustments that take place 'inside' your consciousness when engaged in shifting focus of awareness are actually changing experience at the most fundamental and profound level. 


Awareness is constant; it is only the focus that changes. The body is the camera through which Awareness is focused. Consciousness is the director that controls the focusing and the recording.

When the camera is damaged beyond repair or the batteries run out, the recording stops but the Awareness and director remain. If the director desires a sequel, it will find another camera and continue where the plot of the old movie left off. If the director is done with the series, he will take the day off and rest in the Awareness.

The analogy, and all conceptual models, break down here: The camera, the director, and the Awareness, are all the Awareness. Awareness is focusing Awareness onto Awareness. It is the manner in which the focusing takes place that manifests the diversity of the physical realm. There is nothing “out there” that is being recorded.

Your mind creates Your reality out of the nothingness of pure potential. Your universal mind has been creating the universal reality for 14 billion years. Story built upon story built upon story built... ; sequel after sequel after sequel after...

Your Awareness is that which unifies and completes the process, right now, as the audience. A movie is created for the single reason of it being watched. It was all made by You, for You, as You.

Take the day off and watch this movie – Your autobiography – with the attention it deserves. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Transcendence Of Death

You cannot die because you do not exist in the first place. Your name here is a fictitious character in the story that mind is telling. If a character in a novel that you are reading dies, is anything really dying? Does anything that occurs within the story of the book affect Reality?

Spirituality isn't about making the world a better place, or being nice, or developing powers, or manifesting. Spirituality is about discovering who you really are. Once one realizes that who they think they are is merely a fictional character, fear of death vanishes along with individuality.

Are you the body? The physical realm is 99.99% empty space, and even those particles are popping in and out of physicality. In a process that can best be described as magic, the .01% of Reality that is only there when we look for it, becomes the “solid” physical realm.

Mind is playing the ultimate game of connect-the-dots, building association upon association; abstraction upon abstraction, constructing the objective world around us.

Our subjective experience of desire, emotion, beliefs, is no different. Mind connects the intermittent flashes of thought into the imaginary form of a personal identity.

In the end and before the beginning it is all abstraction.

Create what You will, just don't for a second believe it to be Real. 

There are senses and thoughts. This is indeed happening. But you are not that which is happening. You are the Reality on/in which this is happening. You are the reader of the book. You are beyond time and space. You exist nowhere and every where. You have always existed and will always exist. You are existence itself.

Life's journey is this discovery.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

The real secret

You do not exist. There is something there witnessing thoughts and senses, but it is not separate from the thoughts and perceptions. It is all one. There are no separate objects; there is only sensory input. Our brains construct a multi-dimensional reality out of the sensory input.

There is no time. There is no space. Separation is an illusion produced by consciousness shifting focus from one sense to another. Thoughts are no different than the other senses. Focus turned toward the thought sense produces the illusion of time and time gives rise to individuality. There has never been a your name here. The reality that was experienced in "the past" is a completely different reality than the one experienced now. The brain looks for similarities and connects the dots, creating the illusion of a substantial physical realm and a psychological person.

That which receives the sensory input is singular. Steady, unwavering consciousness reveals the singularity. You are not your senses. Go toward the stillness, the nothingness.

Reality wants to reveal it's secrets...

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

A Visual Expression of Dualism

Z = Z² + c

The above mathematical equation is called the Mandlebrot Set. It is an expression of the Fundamental Process (consciousness coming back onto itself to reaffirm it's own existence) that is as beautiful as it is revealing.

What the equation does is it plots the movement of a single pixel on the screen. There are two possible outcomes for each pixel that is put through the process. Either it will move to the center of the screen or it will move off to infinity.

The equation works via a process called “iteration”, which is the using of the output of the initial cycle as the input of the next cycle, then using that output as the next input, and so on. After the initial value has been input, the set is a Self-referring system.

It just so happens that if the initial input value (c) is greater than 2, this will result in the pixel moving off to infinity. If the initial input value is less than 2, the pixel will move to the center of the screen.

This is an exact expression of the cycle of duality. If the singular initial “I” consciousness (c < 2) does not expand into the dualistic “I...”, it will remain as a part of the set and move to the center. If consciousness expands into the dualistic “I...” thought (c > 2) it will leave the set and shoot off into infinity.

What should be noted is that the colored region is the pixels that have left the set. The black region is the pixels that have remained within the set. The colored region that can be described is the Fundamental Process that has expanded to the level of dualism. The black region that defies description is the Fundamental Process that has remained in unification.

And isn't it so that there is such beauty arising from the process “going out”? Life, in all of its vast array of experiences, when simply witnessed, is a beautiful display of form and color. There is no right or wrong, no state or experience that is better than another. There is simply the process of Life.

The Mandlebrot set equation is capable of infinite complexity. As one zooms in, the set reveals more and more detail. This process can go on indefinitely. The only prerequisite to revealing more of the set's potential is more computing power. The faster the equation is iterated, the greater the resolution and detail generated. Reality operates in the same manner.

The Fundamental Process is consciousness coming back onto itself to experience itself. Dualism is that part of consciousness that desires continuation of this experience. Biological evolution is consciousness developing higher and higher computing power so that it can experience itself at continually deeper and deeper levels. Our human brain, perhaps the most complex structure in the universe, is capable of experiencing the infinite potential of the Fundamental Process to an incredible degree.

There is a point where You will grow tired of infinity. Herein is the reason why You are reading this. You, who are getting glimpses of the Indescribable, are aware of the border of infinity and unity. You are playing with the idea of remaining in unification, but have yet to pull attention fully away from the show.