Sunday, 16 February 2014

Just Do This ONE THING. Actually DO It.

You exist. All else is assumption, conjecture.

Following mind, one quickly becomes lost in illusion.
Remaining in one's own existence, Reality is Self-evident.

* * *

Doubt is not knowing. Thought arises in/with/as the not knowing.

You know, beyond any possible doubt, that this is happening. This is Self-evident via Your own existence. Therefore, You are knowing itself. This very presence, which You are, is pure knowing.

Doubt/uncertainty arises when additional descriptions/cognitive measurements are attached. These include: What is happening/did happen/will happen; when it happened; where it is happening/did happen/will happen; who it is happening/did happen/will happen to; how it is happening/did happen/will happen; why it is happening/did happen/will happen.

Do You see how thought actually takes one away from knowing into ambiguity? We are taught to believe that the more descriptions we attach to something, the better we know it. This is the exact opposite of what really happens. The more thought one attaches onto the singular All experience of the present, the more there is to question/doubt about it.

Mind's only purpose is to produce thought.

To simply remain in the present with/as the this of immediate experience, is to live free of doubt and uncertainty. This is counter to what mind tells us and has been telling us for a long, long time.

Investigate acutely:

What's to say that mind is correct? Mind? Do You see where this reasoning could lead? Do You see that this is the path human consciousness has followed?

* * *

There is only one thing to do to break a great stone: hit it.

  1. The task is not complicated and requires no special training.
  2. The only variation is the force at which it is hit and the frequency.
  3. Even if the stone is not broken down, it will erode away with time.

There is only one thing to do to break the spell of maya: find the thought-free state.

  1. The task is not complicated and requires no special training.
  2. The only variation is the duration and frequency of the state.
  3. Even if the state is not sought, the illusion will fade with time.


Saturday, 8 February 2014

A New Definition for "Nothing".

The underlying notion that the physical is fundamental Reality creates a model that is, and will always be, half complete. All thought and accompanying action/object that is based upon such a belief system will also be incomplete. Any attempt to substantiate this incompleteness within the constructs of the model itself will result in the redundancy of the incompleteness. Until the inherent incompleteness of the model is recognized and a new model is adopted, such redundancy will continue.

“Thing” is the basis – the root word – referring to most everything put forth in/as language. Consider the usage of these words in everyday language: nothing, something, anything, everything. The primary definition for the word “thing” is: a material object without life or consciousness; an inanimate object. “Thing”, subconsciously or consciously, immediately brings to mind pure physicality. We have set up in our language, a bias toward material objects, with Life and consciousness merely affixes after the fact.

This subtle but deeply ingrained bias inherent in the English language has manifest into/as every single major mode of thought brought forth by societies with English as their primary language.

For example:

Orthodox Christianity, with it's stark dualistic belief system of good/evil, heaven/hell, either/or.

The belief still held by most of science that consciousness arises from the physical workings of the brain, and that therefore psychological problems can be treated via the use of drugs.

The ongoing belief that manipulation of the physical realm via technology will somehow solve mankind’s problems.

The ingrained placement of physicality as fundamental Reality sets up a stark dualistic model that is unbalanced and highly unstable. This instability is manifest as the extremes we see in our society. Some of which are:
  • rampant consumerism
  • the fact that two-thirds of the American population are overweight or obese.
  • the fact that two-thirds of the American population are on at least one prescribed medication, with half being on two.
If physicality is the base of Reality – if physical things are the only phenomena that truly exist – then when the body passes, “I” will cease to exist. In a pure either/or dualistic system there is either something or nothing. Is there any wonder why we seek to gain sex, food, material possessions, relationships, and try to avoid the loss of all that is physical? Can there be any concept that would strike one with as much fear as the idea of ceasing to exist?

With a slight shift in perspective, this biased, unbalanced, starkly dualistic model can gain balance. This more balanced perspective can then lessen the fear and the extreme behavior caused by it.

By simply shifting the meaning of “nothing” from: “not existing” or “non-existence” to: “nothing that is/can be described”, one adopts a cognitive model that more accurately describes Reality. In doing so, however, we have removed nothing as the symbol representing non-physical phenomena. This can be replaced by “non-thing” or “ether” or “consciousness”.

This softer, more comprehensive triune model simultaneously erases non-existence and places the physical and non-physical on equal footing. This is of course the same model spoken of last post:

                                                     -                             0                          +
                                           NEGATIVE             NEUTRAL           POSITIVE
       MIND                   SPIRIT                  BODY
                                         HOLY GHOST          FATHER                  SON
                                                  YIN                        TAO                   YANG
                                                 PAST                  PRESENT             FUTURE
                                               BIRTH                      LIFE                   DEATH
                                   WAVE FUNCTION         REALITY            PARTICLE
                                          EMPTINESS                  IS                       FORM
                                           THOUGHT                BEING                 ACTION
                                             SUBJECT                 SELF                   OBJECT

                                          NON-THING        NOTHING THAT     THING
                                                                        IS DESCRIBED

Do You see? “Nothing” has been misinterpreted/misrepresented. There is no such thing as non-existence. However, mind, believing itself to be the final authority, disregards phenomena that cannot be/is not described as simply not existing. This is of course, ludicrous, however one must get out of mind in order to SEE...

You are existence Itself.

Be, transcendent of description, and You will have conquered death.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

There is One Reality, from which the appearance of separation arises.

                                                    -                         0                        +
                                             NEGATIVE              NEUTRAL            POSITIVE
                                                MIND                   SPIRIT                 BODY     
                                          HOLY GHOST            FATHER                 SON
                                                 YIN                      TAO                   YANG    
                                                PAST                  PRESENT              FUTURE
                                               BIRTH                    LIFE                   DEATH
                                      WAVE FUNCTION          REALITY             PARTICLE
                                            EMPTINESS                  IS                     FORM 
                                            THOUGHT                BEING                 ACTION
                                             SUBJECT                  SELF                  OBJECT

Being so, all conceptual models that appear to be distinct systems, all relate to the One. With the realization that all thought is metaphor, that which is Being represented is experienced directly. 

Such is transcendence from all duality, even death.