Saturday, 22 March 2014


I'm sure you have heard the expression: "God is love." I never quite understood what that meant. Not really. I had some vague ethereal type of "getting it." Now I understand. Now I get it.

The experience/state that is, sat chit ananda (being, consciousness, bliss) can very accurately be described as love.

You know what it is to feel love. That feeling of joy and peace. That radiance. It is indescribable, and yet very real. Perhaps more real than anything else.

This is the experience of Being. This is Absolute existence, requiring nothing but awareness.

This is our true nature.

After all the highs and lows. After the excitement and boredom. After the restlessness.

Beyond beyond beyond...

When consciousness has finally rested into it's ground state; it's zero-point field. When everything is removed, and that Self which cannot be removed is all that is left - the feeling is that of love. And you find yourself sitting there in rapture. For no reason. With no cause. With no purpose. Just sitting there in, AS, Love.

Beyond beyond beyond...

Let go of everything until you find the bliss. Prevail. It is there. Nirvana does exist. Here. Now.

Beyond beyond beyond...

You are Love.

Friday, 7 March 2014

The Game

Your Reality manifests from You, for You, as You. Why are You creating the Life You experience? Is it to save others? Are they not creating their own Lives and Realities?

How can You prevent anyone else's suffering when such suffering is a manifestation of their own consciousness? Watch the source of Your own suffering and You will find the cause and the cure.

Your world is made by You. However, it is not outside of You nor is it inside of You. How is it?

This is the reason.

You are playing a game of hide-and-seek with Yourself. You hide in everyone and everything.

Not seeing this is: the realm of the relative/other/separation/the cycle of all dualism. Finding Yourself is the end of the game.

This is the reason.

The only reason for all of this.

To find Yourself.

You may continue playing the game as long as You wish. There is nothing wrong with this.

You may come home any time You wish. There is nothing wrong with this.

It is just a game.

Saturday, 1 March 2014


The fact that you are reading this is itself an indication that you are ready to take the final step; the step of the realization of completion (that All is complete). Not taking the step, you will remain where you think you are. 

The final step is the shifting of theory to practice/experience. 

Movement of mind as thought, which is the creation of illusion/time/separation, is exactly that which is required to be transcended in order to be free of illusion/time/separation. Illusion/time/separation is vexation and suffering. Actual abidance in/as pure awareness that is thought-free consciousness is bliss. There is nothing that can be physically or mentally done in order to attain bliss, for bliss is the inherent state. The attempt to attain bliss is that which keeps one from It. All that is required is to release awareness from physicality and mentality, and remain as awareness Itself. 

It is so, however, you must investigate such for/as yourself. 

Not taking the step, you will remain where you think you are.