Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Being. Alone.

Next time You find Yourself alone, or experiencing a feeling of loss, watch closely the first thing You reach for. What one does when they are alone is a strong indication of karmic attachment. When the source of the ego's relative existence is lost, it will search out someone or something similar, imagined or physical, to replace it.

As difficult as it may seem, the feeling of needing to fill that emptiness with another “other” must be addressed if genuine peace is ever to be found.

Be alone in silence. Watch the attachments come and go. Witness the flow of discontentment/contentment. Acting upon the discontentment – attempting to fill the Void with another other – is yet again merely a temporary fix. That other will eventually pass leaving You by Yourself again.

Let it all pass. Everything will settle, leaving only that which cannot pass.

You are the Void.

It is here

You are peace.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Join me

It/All has been experienced trough/as Roy Dopson. Have faith that what I say is valid. Peace is your true nature. Desire, either unfulfilled or fulfilled,  is empty/transient. Being, which is beyond/transcendent of desire, is heaven/nirvana.

It/All has been/is experienced as (your name here). All that is designated as specific, separate experience is incomplete and unsubstantial.

Look to see what is real. Do not look to see what you want to see.

Mind is creator of experience. From whence does mind arise? Find the source of mind and you find All.

All is within you. THIS THIS THIS is a mirror revealing Self. Physicality is Atman, which represents Brahman.

Turn awareness inward. Be.

Awareness outward leads to more experience. All experience is equally good and bad; positive and negative. How much of infinity is enough?

You decide.

The final decision.

Join me in Reality. Join me in the singular, pure consciousness of the thought-free state.

It's here.