Thursday, 12 December 2013

The illusion.

Our own consciousness, via scientific enquiry, has revealed the following:

The reality we experience is an identical process to that of watching a show on a screen.

Upon viewing a show on a screen from normal distance, it appears as though there are separate objects moving, interacting, affecting one another. When we move in and view the screen very closely, we will see that the image on the screen is made of tiny dots, or pixels, of color which are either on or off. The smaller the frame of reference – the fewer pixels being observed – the less the larger image is recognizable and the less one will be able to predict when the pixels will turn on and off and also the duration of the on and off periods. When we look at a single pixel, there will be no way of determining any type of sequence and therefore no way of making any type of accurate prediction. It will appear as though its actions are random.
When we look behind the screen, we find the signal, the information wave, that “tells” the pixels to turn on and off and when.

So, looking at the process from three different perspectives brings about three different models.

Model 1: From the normal perspective it appears as though there are separate objects moving around, interacting and affecting each other.

Model 2: From the close-up perspective we see that what is actually happening is that pixels are flashing on and off in a predetermined sequence. It is the ordered sequence of flashing pixels that gives the illusion of movement and interaction. At a more fundamental level there are still separate objects, in the form of the individual pixels, but there is no interaction between them, or movement of any kind.

Model 3: From the most fundamental perspective – beyond the pixels, behind the screen – the cause of the pixels turning on and off is the signal, the information wave, that hits the back of the screen. The signal strikes the screen all at once at a certain frequency. Causality at the screen level is an illusion, as one pixel turning on or off is not the cause of the adjacent pixel turning on or off.

The following is what physics (the study of physical reality) has discovered:

From our normal every day perspective, it appears as though there are separately existing objects moving around in space, interacting and affecting each other. However, when we look at the most fundamental level of our normal everyday experience, we find that physical reality operates precisely as the show playing on the screen. Just like the pixels that make up the screen, the subatomic particles that make up our physical realm pop in and out in a certain predetermined sequence, which, when experienced via our nervous system, gives the illusion of objects moving, interacting, and affecting each other.

As much as it goes contrary to how we describe our experience, there are no objects, no movement, no interaction. Everything that happens in the physical realm happens all at once and is predetermined by the signal.

The only difference between “our” show and the screen show is the complexity of the screen. Where the screen show has two dimensions (length and width) experienced via two senses (sound and sight) the physical reality screen has four dimensions (length, width, depth, time) experienced via six senses (sound, sight, smell, touch, taste, thought).

Consciousness, in the form of quantum physics, has looked behind the screen of physical reality and discovered the signal, the information wave, that “turns on” and “turns off” (pops in and pops out) the subatomic particles.

This wave of information that “tells” the particles to pop in and out is called the “wave function”. The wave function is the more fundamental cause of all physical phenomena. The wave function is all possible outcomes existing simultaneously. It is the timeless All from which the illusion of time, separately existing entities, and causality, arises. Just as the entire scene of the show appears on the screen, in its entirety all at once, so does the physical realm arise all at once.

The body that You associate “I” with is not a separately existing object moving through space. All notions of an “I” that is controlling the actions of the body is an illusion. All appearances of physical phenomena causing the effect of other physical phenomena is also illusion. To believe that the Self is the body and that there is an “I” that is controlling the actions of body, or that other physical phenomena are affecting the actions of the body, is the equivalent of believing that the earth is flat. The wave function is controlling the show. All of it, all at once, all the time, in perfect unity.

Of course, the question arises: “Where does the wave function come from? If the wave function is the cause of physical effects, what is the cause of the wave function?”


Physicist John Wheeler, a pioneer in the field of quantum mechanics and who also coined the phrase “black hole”, designed the following model:

This “Self-actualizing universe” model is Wheeler's attempt to describe the reality revealed by quantum physics, and the role consciousness plays in the process.

The v shape at the upper right corner represents an event. Wheeler was specifically referring to the Big Bang, but any singular event will apply. The large U shape represents the event propagating in an unmanifest, potential state. This is the wave function – the information wave, or signal, that has not yet been translated. The yet unmanifest potential event gives rise to a consciousness (represented by the eye) capable of interpreting (the dotted line being the interpretation) the signal. The interpretation in turn manifests the non-thing of the signal into separate “things”.

The Self-actualizing universe model is exactly the same system of a camera relaying an event to a screen for viewing.

In this re-presentation, the physical realm is represented by a television screen, the eye is the camera, the U is the signal between the camera and the screen, and the dotted line is the focus of the camera.
From this model we can see that the introduction of the television monitor/physical realm is redundant. 

There is no purpose to the intermediary step of the translation of the signal/wave function into pixels on the monitor/the physical realm, as it is merely the resulting image/event that is transmitted back to the monitor/physical realm.

Here is the crux of the matter: The Self/Presence is the only frame of reference, therefore, all models are models based upon the Self/Presence. What is being spoken of is not other than the reality You are experiencing right now. The redundancy is the ongoing internal dialogue that takes place in/as Your mind. The using of a symbol to re-present that which is, is redundancy. Conceptualization and language is symbol. The appearance of separately existing objects arises only upon conceptualization. It is as Self-evident as this: The thought “tree” arising in Your consciousness brings about the appearance of an object that is separate. When there is pure witnessing, without conceptualization, the appearance of separation does not arise.

The state of samadhi is that where one experiences unity with/as the universe. There is no sense of a separate Self, no separate objects, no time, and no individual volition. All occurs as a single entity, a singular event, in complete unity, all at once. This is not merely some imaginary made up idea, it is a very real state.
Samadhi is the direct experience of the wave function; of pure, unfiltered consciousness. It occurs when reality – this very reality – is experienced in/as the thought-free state.

Like an explorer who has circumnavigated the earth, consciousness has come full circle in its investigation of reality and discovered – itself. The findings of quantum mechanics can not be further interpreted by conceptualization because it is the final concept. Quantum mechanics is the finger of concept pointing to the moon of experience.

Sometimes that which is hardest to see is that which is the most obvious. The conceptualizing mind will keep trying to find deeper meaning. The natural state of samadhi has become foreign to us. As soon as our children are born we teach them how to focus on the screen (the ever-increasing manifestation of our species being addicted to screens is yet another re-presentation) rather than direct experience. Our minds are constantly labelling, measuring, conceptualizing. The thought-free state is not even recognized.
It is this Self-evident:

In order to directly experience wave function/consciousness as the state of samadhi, experience reality thought-free.

The validity of the statement is tested only in/as the realm of experience. It may take some time to refocus the mind, as it has been staring at the screen for many cycles/generations. Until You tear Your gaze from the literal screen of man's creation and the figurative screen of conceptualization, You will remain in the lower state of consciousness and will experience separation, duality, illusion.

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