Friday, 16 May 2014

The Goal.

What is the purpose for Life? Why do You exist? If there is a question to be asked; an answer to be sought; this must be it.

If one enquires: “Why am I doing such-and-such?” an answer arises: “Because I this-and-that.” If a motivation is sought for each individual action, one will be found. Each effect conceptualized brings with it a cause to measure it against. This is the cycle of samsara; of awareness pulled from the Reality of the present, to the illusion of future/past.

Following this trail to it's inevitable end, one arrives at death – the ultimate effect. If Your Life is taken as a singular event or action, with being born the cause and dying the effect, what is the purpose of it?
The enquiry: “What is the singular purpose of my Life?”, if held to and pursued with an open and sincere mind, will reveal the One True Goal.

Once the True Goal is realized, everything changes. Life itself becomes the medium through which the reason manifests. Every thought, action, emotion, breath, moment, movement; all of it, becomes an expression of the reason. 

With the One True reason clearly in focus, Life explodes with purpose.

There is no (greater) reason to existence than to realize the reason for existence. Therein, all actions are in and of themselves the reason. Do not let the trivialities of mind divert you from the goal of Reality.



Saturday, 3 May 2014

Truth and Belief

Truth is absolutely Self-evident and therefore impossible to believe in.

Belief necessarily implies uncertainty. Uncertainty is inherent within belief.

Does one need believe that they exist? Directly experiencing one's own existence, what is there to believe?

Only concepts can be believed. Beliefs are only concepts.

A dog chasing it's tail.