Referring back to the blog: "The emergence of thought within human consciousness" we see that the mis-identification of Self/Reality as being the mirror image is the source of all confusion and suffering. Self/Reality is that which is looking into the mirror, however, consciousness that is under the delusion that the mirror-realm is fundamental Reality does not recognize phenomena that does not exhibit mirror qualities as existing.
Looking out from the mirror-realm and not being able to see that which is looking into the mirror, the deluded mirror-perspective consciousness sees only nothingness. Knowing itself to exist, but no longer in touch with Source/the Absolute Reality, it projects the only reality it understands. It projects a second mirror.
This situation is a relative realm based upon a relative realm. There is nothing substantial, Real, Absolute within such a system. "Emptiness is form; form is emptiness." "Wave function is particle; particle is wave function." "Consciousness is physicality; physicality is consciousness."
All systems of thought are consciousness that is looking for the source of the "I" from the mirror perspective. It is looking back onto itself from the mirror of conceptualization in an attempt to find Reality/Self/the Absolute/that which is looking into the mirror. What it sees is a reflection of a reflection, with a "time" lag at the speed of light.
And so it has come to be that thought mirrors physicality and physicality mirrors thought. Neither are the fundamental cause, nor does one have a direct causal effect upon the other.
Quantum physics has shifted the perspective of the search for the source of the "I" from that of the mirror to that which is looking into the mirrors. The wave function is consciousness that begins it's search not with the assumption that physicality is fundamental. From this perspective it is able to see through the eyes of consciousness that is not enamored by the images in the mirrors. It is "in the middle" of the mirrors, looking at the qualities of the mirrors themselves, rather than the qualities of the images playing on the surface of the mirrors. Quantum physics is looking at both mirrors at once. When it focuses on the images in the mirrors (particles) it sees entanglement (both particles would exhibit instantaneous interaction when seen from the "middle" of the mirrors, and both would exhibit inverted qualities of each other) and quantum leaping (each state being the infinite reflections seen in each mirror as focus shifts). When it focuses on the qualities of the mirrors themselves, it sees holographic properties and brane universes.
Even though quantum physics is consciousness looking through the eyes of God, if it does not come to recognize Self, it will continue creating infinite dualistic realms. If string theory is tested against/brought into physicality, it will produce enough energy to cause an inflationary period within the natural growth of consciousness and in turn create another physical realm (the illusion of separation). The cycle will begin again. On and on and on... the cycle of samsara endlessly spins.
It is all metaphor. The thought-action process within your own life is the cycle of samsara. Watch closely; examine how thought mirrors action and action mirrors thought. You have the ability, with your own inquiry, to pull your consciousness from the delusion that you are the body/mind and experience the Supreme Perfection of True Self.
See that which has been here all along. It's right here! It's you!
See the seer.
Be Aware of that which is Aware.
This is All.
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