Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Is The Foundation of Mathematics Flawed?

The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things

If it is true that a physics equation that results in infinity must be discarded, then why is the current number system accepted as a representation of the physical realm? If mathematics relates to the physical realm, and the physical realm that we experience is finite, then mathematics itself must reflect this in entirety. The fact that the current version of the number system generates infinity, while all physical evidence points to a finite universe is a glaring indication that the foundation of mathematics is incorrect. Occam's razor should have one question such redundancy.

What is it about the current number system that induce such infinite redundancy? What is the role of mathematics in physics? Is mathematics relating to the physical realm? If so, does it possibly lose this connection at some point?

Upon close examination of the number system it is apparent that there exists two points where redundancy arises. The first one addressed is primary and represents the movement of consciousness away from the unification of Brahman-Atman into ego. The second represents the splitting of consciousness into the separation of thought from physicality.

The primary arising of the number system within consciousness:

0 represents that which cannot be and/or is not described. It is not a lack or absence of something, but rather the potential for everything. 1, I submit, is fundamentally a representation of 0. This is the same relationship as Brahman-Atman. The relationship/interaction between 0/1, Brahman/Atman is so subtle, so immediate, that it has not yet given rise to dualism. In this model there is only 1. This would speak of the concept of 1 relating to all of physicality. 1 is not, fundamentally, representing apparently separate physical phenomena such as “apple”. The set of 1 includes all of physicality. If this is so, then how does 2 arise?

2 arises when consciousness attempts to describe/represent 0. Consciousness that has misinterpreted physicality to be fundamental Reality and the body to be Self, will search for the source of the 'I', which is the inherent intuition that Self is not the body. Consciousness that has fallen into the delusion that the physical realm is ultimate Reality will not be able to recognize Self as that which cannot be, and/or is not described. Such consciousness will, until Self is Realized, continue to search for the source of the 'I' as originating from physicality. This search is the thought process and manifests in the physical realm as symbol.

Consciousness that believes physicality to be ultimate Reality while possessing the inherent intuition that Self is not physical will attempt to bring that which cannot be/is not described into the physical realm. In relation to the number system, this is the equivalent of “counting” zero. The need to have Self as something, rather than accepting that Self is that which cannot be/is not describable, brings about the illusion that 0 = 1.

If 0 is counted – if Self is erroneously believed to be the set of 1 (physicality) – then 0 + 1 = 2. Consciousness that believes physicality is fundamental Reality attempts to quantify Self, which is that which cannot be/is not describable. If 0 is accepted and left to be the void of unknowing, it can be seen that 1 – the set of physicality – is Atman. 0 + 1 = 1. Unity. Nature. In such relationship Self can be Realized as source of the 'I'.

The arising of infinite redundancy within the number system:

If mathematics does relate to physical experience, and physical experience is finite, then mathematics must also fundamentally be finite.

The point at which infinite redundancy arises is at the number 10. 10 is obviously a mirror-image the start of the system – 01. Intuitively, one sees this as a closed system. Why does it go past 10?

Firstly, if mathematics does represent physicality, I propose it is not in the classical sense of 'counting'. I suggest that the numbers 1-10 are representing something far more elementary than the appearance of separately existing physical phenomena. The concepts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 where not 'designed' to be used to label and manipulate physical reality, but to reveal it.

Fundamental constituents, or levels, or realms, of reality seem to manifest as this set of 10. ie: the 10 dimensions proposed by string theory, and/or the realms/levels of: quarks, subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, planetary, solar system, galactic, universal. I really don't know what the physical constituents the concepts 1-10 are representing, but I have a strong feeling that, with the arrival of quantum mechanics, all of physicality has been revealed. Perhaps we just need to look at it through a different lens.

Back to 10.

How does the set replicate indefinitely? Firstly, as stated previously, 0 should not mean anything other than: “that which cannot be/is not described”. As 'used' at the beginning of the set, this meaning is inherently understood. 0 is the source of the set, it is not a part of the set. 0 is from which the set arises. It should, then, to align with any sense of symmetry, be that to which the set passes. It is the Alpha but not the Omega.

The 0 in 10 is part of the set. It should be left outside of the set. It should not represent anything. However, in the case of 10, it begins to represent a part of the system. This is the point where the number system stops representing physicality and BEGINS REPRESENTING ITSELF. If each symbol of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 relates/corresponds to distinct physical constituents, then
why does 10 also relate to the system itself? It is as if the final physical constituent is being represented by a symbol whose primary purpose is the perpetuation of the system itself. Do you see? The 1 in 10 represents not so much the 'tenth thing' as it does 'one set of ten things'. The 0 in 10 does not represent/describe the 'thing' at all, but rather describes merely an aspect of the set. The 0 in 10 does not refer to anything physical at all. It is there only to perpetuate the system itself. It is dualism every way you look at it. 10 in no way represents unification or singularity. It is the fundamental representation of dualism.

Is the perpetuation of the system necessary in order to fully describe/reveal physicality? I have a strong feeling it is not.

Perhaps I'm a crackpot, but here's what I figure:

The number system is not 'intended' to be used in the conventional sense of counting. 0 represents Self, which is “that which cannot and/or is not describable.” 1 represents the 'All', which is anything that is described/experienced.

Consciousness that temporarily falls into the delusion that the All is Self will still possess the inherent intuition that Self is neither that which is described or experienced. This inherent intuition is the 'I', or Self-awareness that human consciousness possess.

Consciousness that feels the 'I' will look for it's source within the physical realm. Clues leading back to Self will be revealed if recognized correctly. One of these clues is mathematics. However, human consciousness has misinterpreted the clue and has misused it. This misuse has led to the infinite redundancy of today's accepted number system, and to a greater misunderstanding of Reality. In order to use the system correctly, the number 10 should be replaced with it's own distinct symbol and the system should not re-use 1 or incorporate 0 at all.

I realize how crazy this sounds, and I must admit that much of it is speculation, but there is something inherently wrong/incomplete with physics as a whole. How is it that, despite all of our understanding about the physical realm, the level of suffering experienced by humanity seems to be increasing? What good is all of the technology that has been developed through the findings of our current physical models? Seems to me that this technology has led humanity as a whole further away from Reality/Self. There is something inherently missing, incorrect, incomplete, with today's science. I feel that we must stop 'going forward' and start, as Ramana Maharshi said: “go back the way you came.”

'Going forward' with more thought will simply create more questions and the attempt to answer those questions may in fact change the appearance of physicality in such a way that ever new questions will need to be asked, new theories to be developed. What if it has been, the whole time, that the mental energy put into the development of new physical theory, and the subsequent testing of that theory against physical reality has changed how physicality appears to us? Is that not what quantum physics is telling us? If this is true, then physics is a dog chasing it's tail. Has not quantum theory shown us our own tail? Does the cycle end only when we stop, turn inward and find Self?

The answer is here. It has been for millenia. The metaphors may have changed, but Reality is the same.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Completion (Be still)

One hundred years ago, the average human had 5,000 thoughts each day. Today we have 50,000.

A century ago, world energy consumption was at 55 exajoules (1 exajoule = 174 million barrels of oil) per year. Presently we consume 550 exajoules of energy annually. 

Why the need for all of this movement? What are we looking for?

Mind mirrors physicality; physicality mirrors mind. 

Losing connection with Source, the system is unstable. It is going to collapse within this generation.

You are looking for that which is looking

Be still, and know that You are God.

Thursday, 13 November 2014


"Your name here" is a dream character within a dream.

Physicality, being the original, "big" dream, is the Atman - the immediate appearance of Brahman. Human consciousness that misinterprets Self as physical will fall into a deeper level of dream. With each successive layer of dream, that consciousness will fall deeper into delusion, making it more difficult to distinguish Reality/Self.

I am planting an "anti-virus" program/idea into your consciousness designed to wake you up from the dream.

The world of your thoughts is a dream within a dream. Following this dream, delving into it, leads quickly into deeper levels.

Human consciousness is deeply rooted in the delusion. LOOK! SEE!

Death of the physical form will not wake you from this dream. Only death of the ego, of the thoughts that project the delusion of "your name here" will prevent you from following human consciousness into deeper level of un-reality.

You must take this seriously. There is a Reality that is free from delusion, vexation and suffering. It is so close!

Decide for yourself if you wish to go along for the big ride or if you want to get off now, because it's going to be a wild trip! Perhaps a very, very bad, really, really long trip...

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Quantum Physics Is Metaphor Of The Search For Self

In the mirror of the conceptual mind, Reality is seen inverted.

Referring back to the blog: "The emergence of thought within human consciousness" we see that the mis-identification of Self/Reality as being the mirror image is the source of all confusion and suffering. Self/Reality is that which is looking into the mirror, however, consciousness that is under the delusion that the mirror-realm is fundamental Reality does not recognize phenomena that does not exhibit mirror qualities as existing. 

Looking out from the mirror-realm and not being able to see that which is looking into the mirror, the deluded mirror-perspective consciousness sees only nothingness. Knowing itself to exist, but no longer in touch with Source/the Absolute Reality, it projects the only reality it understands. It projects a second mirror.

This situation is a relative realm based upon a relative realm. There is nothing substantial, Real, Absolute within such a system. "Emptiness is form; form is emptiness." "Wave function is particle; particle is wave function." "Consciousness is physicality; physicality is consciousness." 

All systems of thought are consciousness that is looking for the source of the "I" from the mirror perspective. It is looking back onto itself from the mirror of conceptualization in an attempt to find Reality/Self/the Absolute/that which is looking into the mirror. What it sees is a reflection of a reflection, with a "time" lag at the speed of light. 

And so it has come to be that thought mirrors physicality and physicality mirrors thought. Neither are the fundamental cause, nor does one have a direct causal effect upon the other. 

Quantum physics has shifted the perspective of the search for the source of the "I" from that of the mirror to that which is looking into the mirrors. The wave function is consciousness that begins it's search not with the assumption that physicality is fundamental. From this perspective it is able to see through the eyes of consciousness that is not enamored by the images in the mirrors. It is "in the middle" of the mirrors, looking at the qualities of the mirrors themselves, rather than the qualities of the images playing on the surface of the mirrors. Quantum physics is looking at both mirrors at once. When it focuses on the images in the mirrors (particles) it sees entanglement (both particles would exhibit instantaneous interaction when seen from the "middle" of the mirrors, and both would exhibit inverted qualities of each other) and quantum leaping (each state being the infinite reflections seen in each mirror as focus shifts). When it focuses on the qualities of the mirrors themselves, it sees holographic properties and brane universes.

Even though quantum physics is consciousness looking through the eyes of God, if it does not come to recognize Self, it will continue creating infinite dualistic realms. If string theory is tested against/brought into physicality, it will produce enough energy to cause an inflationary period within the natural growth of consciousness and in turn create another physical realm (the illusion of separation). The cycle will begin again. On and on and on... the cycle of samsara endlessly spins.

It is all metaphor. The thought-action process within your own life is the cycle of samsara. Watch closely; examine how thought mirrors action and action mirrors thought. You have the ability, with your own inquiry, to pull your consciousness from the delusion that you are the body/mind and experience the Supreme Perfection of True Self. 

See that which has been here all along. It's right here! It's you! 

See the seer.

Be Aware of that which is Aware. 

This is All. 


Tuesday, 21 October 2014

I am that. You are that. It is True.

Prior to that which arises and beyond it's passing - everything that is described/experienced as an individual, separate phenomenon - there is an infinite, timeless field of bliss/perfect contentment.

I am that.

You are that.

Nothing within/as this realm of attainment/loss can ever satisfy. Let it go.

Beyond beyond beyond. Seek that which lies beyond.




Witness everything come and go.

The restlessness. The discomfort. The confusion. The doubt.

Beyond beyond beyond is bliss. Infinite. Timeless. Present. Always. You.

It is True. I have been there. I am here to tell you.

It is True.

You will find it.

Now I'm going back...

Sunday, 5 October 2014

A new study has been released showing that there has been a 50% decline in earth's the population of wildlife over the last 40 years.


Humanity is a virus on the planet. How can anyone deny that this is the most accurate description of the human species?

If there is such as thing as reincarnation, do you want to 'come back' here?


Saturday, 27 September 2014

Business your own mind

There is but one thing that needs changing. That is your perspective. Witnessing the All from the Absolute perspective, all is experienced as perfection. 

I tell You this but You will not understand until You see This unfiltered, pure, from the thought-free state. This state is also presence. Here, Now, as your every existence, there is nothing that requires changing, no one that needs helping. Nirvana is Here, Now. 

Shift awareness from focus on thoughts and sense objects onto that which is shifting the awareness. Abide there as best you can. Repeat.

This is the only business you need attend to. All other activity is samsara.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

My New Website

Much of the material for this blog comes from my book "The One-Step Path", which is now available for download here:


I am also offering my services as a spiritual mentor. Details at the site.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

The End Of Suffering

Everything is self-evident. If You want peace, be at peace. There are no means to ends. Do you not see? If You are not suffering, suffering does not exist. There is no suffering if You do not suffer. Is this not Heaven; Nirvana? It is self-evident! WATCH AND SEE! Don't believe what mind is telling you, for it is limited and really kinda dumb. It's just doesn't know that it is. Poor mind.

You are the only Being in your reality. If you are at peace, where is discontentment? It may appear as though there are other beings that are discontent, but they are no more than dream characters playing out dream lives. This is not an inhuman perspective; it is the Divine perspective.

There is nothing greater than to awaken from the dream. The dream only appears so real because You are paying so much attention to it. Turn your attention inward. Be aware of that which is experiencing the dream. Get familiar with the dreamer. Dive deeply into the thought-free state.

This is the Path to Self.

This is the Path to Enlightenment.

Friday, 16 May 2014

The Goal.

What is the purpose for Life? Why do You exist? If there is a question to be asked; an answer to be sought; this must be it.

If one enquires: “Why am I doing such-and-such?” an answer arises: “Because I this-and-that.” If a motivation is sought for each individual action, one will be found. Each effect conceptualized brings with it a cause to measure it against. This is the cycle of samsara; of awareness pulled from the Reality of the present, to the illusion of future/past.

Following this trail to it's inevitable end, one arrives at death – the ultimate effect. If Your Life is taken as a singular event or action, with being born the cause and dying the effect, what is the purpose of it?
The enquiry: “What is the singular purpose of my Life?”, if held to and pursued with an open and sincere mind, will reveal the One True Goal.

Once the True Goal is realized, everything changes. Life itself becomes the medium through which the reason manifests. Every thought, action, emotion, breath, moment, movement; all of it, becomes an expression of the reason. 

With the One True reason clearly in focus, Life explodes with purpose.

There is no (greater) reason to existence than to realize the reason for existence. Therein, all actions are in and of themselves the reason. Do not let the trivialities of mind divert you from the goal of Reality.



Saturday, 3 May 2014

Truth and Belief

Truth is absolutely Self-evident and therefore impossible to believe in.

Belief necessarily implies uncertainty. Uncertainty is inherent within belief.

Does one need believe that they exist? Directly experiencing one's own existence, what is there to believe?

Only concepts can be believed. Beliefs are only concepts.

A dog chasing it's tail.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Being. Alone.

Next time You find Yourself alone, or experiencing a feeling of loss, watch closely the first thing You reach for. What one does when they are alone is a strong indication of karmic attachment. When the source of the ego's relative existence is lost, it will search out someone or something similar, imagined or physical, to replace it.

As difficult as it may seem, the feeling of needing to fill that emptiness with another “other” must be addressed if genuine peace is ever to be found.

Be alone in silence. Watch the attachments come and go. Witness the flow of discontentment/contentment. Acting upon the discontentment – attempting to fill the Void with another other – is yet again merely a temporary fix. That other will eventually pass leaving You by Yourself again.

Let it all pass. Everything will settle, leaving only that which cannot pass.

You are the Void.

It is here

You are peace.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Join me

It/All has been experienced trough/as Roy Dopson. Have faith that what I say is valid. Peace is your true nature. Desire, either unfulfilled or fulfilled,  is empty/transient. Being, which is beyond/transcendent of desire, is heaven/nirvana.

It/All has been/is experienced as (your name here). All that is designated as specific, separate experience is incomplete and unsubstantial.

Look to see what is real. Do not look to see what you want to see.

Mind is creator of experience. From whence does mind arise? Find the source of mind and you find All.

All is within you. THIS THIS THIS is a mirror revealing Self. Physicality is Atman, which represents Brahman.

Turn awareness inward. Be.

Awareness outward leads to more experience. All experience is equally good and bad; positive and negative. How much of infinity is enough?

You decide.

The final decision.

Join me in Reality. Join me in the singular, pure consciousness of the thought-free state.

It's here.

Saturday, 22 March 2014


I'm sure you have heard the expression: "God is love." I never quite understood what that meant. Not really. I had some vague ethereal type of "getting it." Now I understand. Now I get it.

The experience/state that is, sat chit ananda (being, consciousness, bliss) can very accurately be described as love.

You know what it is to feel love. That feeling of joy and peace. That radiance. It is indescribable, and yet very real. Perhaps more real than anything else.

This is the experience of Being. This is Absolute existence, requiring nothing but awareness.

This is our true nature.

After all the highs and lows. After the excitement and boredom. After the restlessness.

Beyond beyond beyond...

When consciousness has finally rested into it's ground state; it's zero-point field. When everything is removed, and that Self which cannot be removed is all that is left - the feeling is that of love. And you find yourself sitting there in rapture. For no reason. With no cause. With no purpose. Just sitting there in, AS, Love.

Beyond beyond beyond...

Let go of everything until you find the bliss. Prevail. It is there. Nirvana does exist. Here. Now.

Beyond beyond beyond...

You are Love.

Friday, 7 March 2014

The Game

Your Reality manifests from You, for You, as You. Why are You creating the Life You experience? Is it to save others? Are they not creating their own Lives and Realities?

How can You prevent anyone else's suffering when such suffering is a manifestation of their own consciousness? Watch the source of Your own suffering and You will find the cause and the cure.

Your world is made by You. However, it is not outside of You nor is it inside of You. How is it?

This is the reason.

You are playing a game of hide-and-seek with Yourself. You hide in everyone and everything.

Not seeing this is: the realm of the relative/other/separation/the cycle of all dualism. Finding Yourself is the end of the game.

This is the reason.

The only reason for all of this.

To find Yourself.

You may continue playing the game as long as You wish. There is nothing wrong with this.

You may come home any time You wish. There is nothing wrong with this.

It is just a game.

Saturday, 1 March 2014


The fact that you are reading this is itself an indication that you are ready to take the final step; the step of the realization of completion (that All is complete). Not taking the step, you will remain where you think you are. 

The final step is the shifting of theory to practice/experience. 

Movement of mind as thought, which is the creation of illusion/time/separation, is exactly that which is required to be transcended in order to be free of illusion/time/separation. Illusion/time/separation is vexation and suffering. Actual abidance in/as pure awareness that is thought-free consciousness is bliss. There is nothing that can be physically or mentally done in order to attain bliss, for bliss is the inherent state. The attempt to attain bliss is that which keeps one from It. All that is required is to release awareness from physicality and mentality, and remain as awareness Itself. 

It is so, however, you must investigate such for/as yourself. 

Not taking the step, you will remain where you think you are. 

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Just Do This ONE THING. Actually DO It.

You exist. All else is assumption, conjecture.

Following mind, one quickly becomes lost in illusion.
Remaining in one's own existence, Reality is Self-evident.

* * *

Doubt is not knowing. Thought arises in/with/as the not knowing.

You know, beyond any possible doubt, that this is happening. This is Self-evident via Your own existence. Therefore, You are knowing itself. This very presence, which You are, is pure knowing.

Doubt/uncertainty arises when additional descriptions/cognitive measurements are attached. These include: What is happening/did happen/will happen; when it happened; where it is happening/did happen/will happen; who it is happening/did happen/will happen to; how it is happening/did happen/will happen; why it is happening/did happen/will happen.

Do You see how thought actually takes one away from knowing into ambiguity? We are taught to believe that the more descriptions we attach to something, the better we know it. This is the exact opposite of what really happens. The more thought one attaches onto the singular All experience of the present, the more there is to question/doubt about it.

Mind's only purpose is to produce thought.

To simply remain in the present with/as the this of immediate experience, is to live free of doubt and uncertainty. This is counter to what mind tells us and has been telling us for a long, long time.

Investigate acutely:

What's to say that mind is correct? Mind? Do You see where this reasoning could lead? Do You see that this is the path human consciousness has followed?

* * *

There is only one thing to do to break a great stone: hit it.

  1. The task is not complicated and requires no special training.
  2. The only variation is the force at which it is hit and the frequency.
  3. Even if the stone is not broken down, it will erode away with time.

There is only one thing to do to break the spell of maya: find the thought-free state.

  1. The task is not complicated and requires no special training.
  2. The only variation is the duration and frequency of the state.
  3. Even if the state is not sought, the illusion will fade with time.


Saturday, 8 February 2014

A New Definition for "Nothing".

The underlying notion that the physical is fundamental Reality creates a model that is, and will always be, half complete. All thought and accompanying action/object that is based upon such a belief system will also be incomplete. Any attempt to substantiate this incompleteness within the constructs of the model itself will result in the redundancy of the incompleteness. Until the inherent incompleteness of the model is recognized and a new model is adopted, such redundancy will continue.

“Thing” is the basis – the root word – referring to most everything put forth in/as language. Consider the usage of these words in everyday language: nothing, something, anything, everything. The primary definition for the word “thing” is: a material object without life or consciousness; an inanimate object. “Thing”, subconsciously or consciously, immediately brings to mind pure physicality. We have set up in our language, a bias toward material objects, with Life and consciousness merely affixes after the fact.

This subtle but deeply ingrained bias inherent in the English language has manifest into/as every single major mode of thought brought forth by societies with English as their primary language.

For example:

Orthodox Christianity, with it's stark dualistic belief system of good/evil, heaven/hell, either/or.

The belief still held by most of science that consciousness arises from the physical workings of the brain, and that therefore psychological problems can be treated via the use of drugs.

The ongoing belief that manipulation of the physical realm via technology will somehow solve mankind’s problems.

The ingrained placement of physicality as fundamental Reality sets up a stark dualistic model that is unbalanced and highly unstable. This instability is manifest as the extremes we see in our society. Some of which are:
  • rampant consumerism
  • the fact that two-thirds of the American population are overweight or obese.
  • the fact that two-thirds of the American population are on at least one prescribed medication, with half being on two.
If physicality is the base of Reality – if physical things are the only phenomena that truly exist – then when the body passes, “I” will cease to exist. In a pure either/or dualistic system there is either something or nothing. Is there any wonder why we seek to gain sex, food, material possessions, relationships, and try to avoid the loss of all that is physical? Can there be any concept that would strike one with as much fear as the idea of ceasing to exist?

With a slight shift in perspective, this biased, unbalanced, starkly dualistic model can gain balance. This more balanced perspective can then lessen the fear and the extreme behavior caused by it.

By simply shifting the meaning of “nothing” from: “not existing” or “non-existence” to: “nothing that is/can be described”, one adopts a cognitive model that more accurately describes Reality. In doing so, however, we have removed nothing as the symbol representing non-physical phenomena. This can be replaced by “non-thing” or “ether” or “consciousness”.

This softer, more comprehensive triune model simultaneously erases non-existence and places the physical and non-physical on equal footing. This is of course the same model spoken of last post:

                                                     -                             0                          +
                                           NEGATIVE             NEUTRAL           POSITIVE
       MIND                   SPIRIT                  BODY
                                         HOLY GHOST          FATHER                  SON
                                                  YIN                        TAO                   YANG
                                                 PAST                  PRESENT             FUTURE
                                               BIRTH                      LIFE                   DEATH
                                   WAVE FUNCTION         REALITY            PARTICLE
                                          EMPTINESS                  IS                       FORM
                                           THOUGHT                BEING                 ACTION
                                             SUBJECT                 SELF                   OBJECT

                                          NON-THING        NOTHING THAT     THING
                                                                        IS DESCRIBED

Do You see? “Nothing” has been misinterpreted/misrepresented. There is no such thing as non-existence. However, mind, believing itself to be the final authority, disregards phenomena that cannot be/is not described as simply not existing. This is of course, ludicrous, however one must get out of mind in order to SEE...

You are existence Itself.

Be, transcendent of description, and You will have conquered death.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

There is One Reality, from which the appearance of separation arises.

                                                    -                         0                        +
                                             NEGATIVE              NEUTRAL            POSITIVE
                                                MIND                   SPIRIT                 BODY     
                                          HOLY GHOST            FATHER                 SON
                                                 YIN                      TAO                   YANG    
                                                PAST                  PRESENT              FUTURE
                                               BIRTH                    LIFE                   DEATH
                                      WAVE FUNCTION          REALITY             PARTICLE
                                            EMPTINESS                  IS                     FORM 
                                            THOUGHT                BEING                 ACTION
                                             SUBJECT                  SELF                  OBJECT

Being so, all conceptual models that appear to be distinct systems, all relate to the One. With the realization that all thought is metaphor, that which is Being represented is experienced directly. 

Such is transcendence from all duality, even death.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

What is Spiritual practice?

All of the effects shown in video below are produced by pointing a camera at the screen it is sending it's own signal to, and playing with the focus. 


ALL of experienced phenomena is awareness coming back onto itself. 

Such is spiritual practice. What we are doing in spiritual practice is we are adjusting the focus of awareness. All 'manifesting' and occurrences/experience flow naturally, automatically, from focus of awareness. 

The subtle adjustments that take place 'inside' your consciousness when engaged in shifting focus of awareness are actually changing experience at the most fundamental and profound level.



Awareness is constant; it is only the focus that changes. The body is the camera through which Awareness is focused. Consciousness is the director that controls the focusing and the recording.

When the camera is damaged beyond repair or the batteries run out, the recording stops but the Awareness and director remain. If the director desires a sequel, it will find another camera and continue where the plot of the old movie left off. If the director is done with the series, he will take the day off and rest in the Awareness.

The analogy, and all conceptual models, break down here: The camera, the director, and the Awareness, are all the Awareness. Awareness is focusing Awareness onto Awareness. It is the manner in which the focusing takes place that manifests the diversity of the physical realm. There is nothing “out there” that is being recorded.

Your mind creates Your reality out of the nothingness of pure potential. Your universal mind has been creating the universal reality for 14 billion years. Story built upon story built upon story built... ; sequel after sequel after sequel after...

Your Awareness is that which unifies and completes the process, right now, as the audience. A movie is created for the single reason of it being watched. It was all made by You, for You, as You.

Take the day off and watch this movie – Your autobiography – with the attention it deserves. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Transcendence Of Death

You cannot die because you do not exist in the first place. Your name here is a fictitious character in the story that mind is telling. If a character in a novel that you are reading dies, is anything really dying? Does anything that occurs within the story of the book affect Reality?

Spirituality isn't about making the world a better place, or being nice, or developing powers, or manifesting. Spirituality is about discovering who you really are. Once one realizes that who they think they are is merely a fictional character, fear of death vanishes along with individuality.

Are you the body? The physical realm is 99.99% empty space, and even those particles are popping in and out of physicality. In a process that can best be described as magic, the .01% of Reality that is only there when we look for it, becomes the “solid” physical realm.

Mind is playing the ultimate game of connect-the-dots, building association upon association; abstraction upon abstraction, constructing the objective world around us.

Our subjective experience of desire, emotion, beliefs, is no different. Mind connects the intermittent flashes of thought into the imaginary form of a personal identity.

In the end and before the beginning it is all abstraction.

Create what You will, just don't for a second believe it to be Real. 

There are senses and thoughts. This is indeed happening. But you are not that which is happening. You are the Reality on/in which this is happening. You are the reader of the book. You are beyond time and space. You exist nowhere and every where. You have always existed and will always exist. You are existence itself.

Life's journey is this discovery.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

The real secret

You do not exist. There is something there witnessing thoughts and senses, but it is not separate from the thoughts and perceptions. It is all one. There are no separate objects; there is only sensory input. Our brains construct a multi-dimensional reality out of the sensory input.

There is no time. There is no space. Separation is an illusion produced by consciousness shifting focus from one sense to another. Thoughts are no different than the other senses. Focus turned toward the thought sense produces the illusion of time and time gives rise to individuality. There has never been a your name here. The reality that was experienced in "the past" is a completely different reality than the one experienced now. The brain looks for similarities and connects the dots, creating the illusion of a substantial physical realm and a psychological person.

That which receives the sensory input is singular. Steady, unwavering consciousness reveals the singularity. You are not your senses. Go toward the stillness, the nothingness.

Reality wants to reveal it's secrets...

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

A Visual Expression of Dualism

Z = Z² + c

The above mathematical equation is called the Mandlebrot Set. It is an expression of the Fundamental Process (consciousness coming back onto itself to reaffirm it's own existence) that is as beautiful as it is revealing. 


What the equation does is it plots the movement of a single pixel on the screen. There are two possible outcomes for each pixel that is put through the process. Either it will move to the center of the screen or it will move off to infinity.

The equation works via a process called “iteration”, which is the using of the output of the initial cycle as the input of the next cycle, then using that output as the next input, and so on. After the initial value has been input, the set is a Self-referring system.

It just so happens that if the initial input value (c) is greater than 2, this will result in the pixel moving off to infinity. If the initial input value is less than 2, the pixel will move to the center of the screen.

This is an exact expression of the cycle of duality. If the singular initial “I” consciousness (c < 2) does not expand into the dualistic “I...”, it will remain as a part of the set and move to the center. If consciousness expands into the dualistic “I...” thought (c > 2) it will leave the set and shoot off into infinity.

What should be noted is that the colored region is the pixels that have left the set. The black region is the pixels that have remained within the set. The colored region that can be described is the Fundamental Process that has expanded to the level of dualism. The black region that defies description is the Fundamental Process that has remained in unification.

And isn't it so that there is such beauty arising from the process “going out”? Life, in all of its vast array of experiences, when simply witnessed, is a beautiful display of form and color. There is no right or wrong, no state or experience that is better than another. There is simply the process of Life.

The Mandlebrot set equation is capable of infinite complexity. As one zooms in, the set reveals more and more detail. This process can go on indefinitely. The only prerequisite to revealing more of the set's potential is more computing power. The faster the equation is iterated, the greater the resolution and detail generated. Reality operates in the same manner.

The Fundamental Process is consciousness coming back onto itself to experience itself. Dualism is that part of consciousness that desires continuation of this experience. Biological evolution is consciousness developing higher and higher computing power so that it can experience itself at continually deeper and deeper levels. Our human brain, perhaps the most complex structure in the universe, is capable of experiencing the infinite potential of the Fundamental Process to an incredible degree.

There is a point where You will grow tired of infinity. Herein is the reason why You are reading this. You, who are getting glimpses of the Indescribable, are aware of the border of infinity and unity. You are playing with the idea of remaining in unification, but have yet to pull attention fully away from the show.