Saturday, 30 November 2013

Ultimate Truth

This is happening.

“This is happening” is absolutely undeniable and therefore, Ultimate Truth.

I encourage you to investigate/experience the above axiom for a time. An effective way to delve deeper into it is to try to disprove it by finding any type of fault or incompleteness within it.

Welcome back.

If you have found “This is happening” to be absolutely undeniable, then it must be Ultimate Truth. There is no way around it. And if it is Ultimate Truth, it must be pointing to something important. If all relative truths point to some type of relative revelation, then the assumption would be that Ultimate Truth points to the Ultimate Revelation; the Ultimate Reality, which will be the conclusion/transcendence of all questing/questions, and an end to all suffering.

What is Ultimate Truth is pointing to?

Upon an initial, perhaps casual investigation, Ultimate Truth may appear rather static. Although it is undeniable, there doesn't seem to be anything that can be done with it. This is a very superficial level of understanding/experience. Awareness left at this level will quickly discard Ultimate Truth as an irrelevant curiosity.

However, if one is able to delve just a bit deeper into a more comprehensive understanding/experience, another level will be realized. The deeper level is the realization that Ultimate Truth is pointing to the “This” that is happening. The word “This” instantly brings one's attention to their immediate experience.

So could it be that the undifferentiated “This” that is one's own experience is Ultimate Reality? Close. Close enough that, if one were to simply abide in the undifferentiated “This”, Ultimate Reality would eventually spontaneously realize. There is, however, one more shift in awareness to occur.
The word/concept “This” points to present experience, and if we stopped there the inference would be that the immediate, present experience of this physical realm is Ultimate Reality. However, this present experience of the physical realm is itself pointing to something. Or rather, someone.
What is it that confirms both the Truth and the very existence of what the Truth is pointing to? The Ultimate Truth of “This” as both concept and physicality, is confirmed by you. You are the final step of the process. Concept points to physical experience and physical experience points to you. You are the end of the line.

You are Ultimate Reality.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

You are reading these words because you know you exist while you are reading these words.

This is how relative existence works. Consciousness in the state of relative existence requires something "other" in relation to itself in order to reaffirm it's own existence. This is the state in which almost all of human consciousness finds itself. However, rather than using the physical realm as it's source of relativity, as nature does, humanity is more and more using thought. 

Thought is not the source of "I", and as such is still within the realm of relative existence. It may appear as though "I" arises with thought, but this is only apparent when thinking. If consciousness associates the "I" with relative thought, then to not think is to not exist. 

Look at the state of human consciousness. Everywhere we go there are television monitors. How many people do you see during the day with earphones plugged into their heads? How many jobs are simply interaction with a computer screen? Why is there music played in nearly every public venue? I really need not go on. It is obvious that we are addicted to relative existence (50,000 thoughts per day! There are only 58,000 waking seconds in each day!!). Our relativity is not natural, however. It is a relative existence based upon our own creation. It is a relativity with no foundation. This is why and how we have become addicted to thought. This is why thought and the information age continue to grow exponentially. The pyramid scheme cannot live on it's own volition. Eventually it will collapse. That collapse is approaching.

Please do not miss the crux of what I am relating to you. 

There is no other reason for the exponential proliferation of thought within human consciousness than for that of deriving a sense of relative existence. 

Consider the vast expanse of all human thought. What is the state of humanity? Human consciousness will not, can not, find what it is looking for within the realm of thought. Human consciousness is looking for the source of  "I", which is none other than the "I" itself. 

You will never be satisfied unless you get in touch with the "I". You need to turn away from the relative realm of thought and abide in that which is Absolute and Self-evident. 

It is this close, this immediate. These words are showing you your Self. However, you don't need these words for you to abide as Self. You exist! The "I" inherent within you shines constantly, unintermittently. You need search no more.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

The Fundamental Reason for Thought

The fundamental purpose for all interaction in the physical realm is consciousness coming back onto itself to reaffirm it's own existence. With the appearance of "I", human consciousness no longer requires this relative form of existence. We recognize the Self-evidency of Being. The Self-awareness of "I" is the next evolutionary step toward the realization/remembrance of our Divinity.

Up until this point, all affirmation of existence came from interaction with physicality through/as the senses. But the "I" was not something that could be seen, felt, heard, tasted, or smelled. The source of "I" was not relative to anything that could be experienced through/as the five senses. However, being so use to obtaining our sense of existence from a relative standpoint, human consciousness, rather than taking the step, brought the "I" back into relativity. Consciousness arbitrarily assigned the body as being the source of "I". The body then developed the ability to use the "I" in a relative manner to reaffirm its own existence, just as it had for eons with/as the physical realm. Consciousness had developed the sixth sense. It had developed thought.

Consciousness is using thought as a relative frame of reference from which to reaffirm it's own existence. There is no other use for thought. We believe that thought is relating to physicality, but it is relating to relative existence itself. The reason why you are reading these words is not to gain some sort of deeper understanding of Reality.

Fundamentally, the reason why you are reading these words is because you know you exist while you are reading these words.

Do you see?

All of human thought is a result of consciousness bringing the "I" back into relative existence.

Thought is the search for the source of "I". There is no force in existence other than this search. The search for Self is the singular motivating factor for all creation and action. So strong is consciousness' search for "I" that it, via human consciousness, is developing a new realm of relativity. The interaction of the physical and thought realms are influencing each other. The sixth sense arises along with the realm that it is sensing. Everything that human consciousness creates and does is this new hybrid realm of relativity.

But what are we creating? It is a relative system built upon the foundation of a relative system. Our system of thought is based upon physicality. Physicality is not fundamental Reality. Human consciousness is engaged in the greatest pyramid scheme in existence.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

The emergence of thought within human consciousness

Answer the following two questions:

1. Who are you?

You undoubtedly answered: “I'm your name here.”

2. Who is your name here?

You answered: “I am.”

This condition is described by the fundamental formula as:

1 = 0
0 = 1

It is a mirror facing a mirror, leading to infinity. Here is the infinite reflection:

Go ahead and spend a minute or two describing your name here.

The first thing to notice is that you were able to describe “yourself” from a third-person perspective. The second thing to notice is that you were able to describe yourself for quite a while from this perspective. In actuality, if you were to keep thinking of ways in which to describe yourself from this perspective, it could have gone on forever. For example: your name here has two hands. Each of those hands has four fingers and one thumb. Each of those fingers contains two joints. The thumb has just one joint... The more you knew about the human body, the more descriptions you could provide. You could even start going down to the cellular, molecular, atomic levels. You could also start going into your life history, with each event being capable of description to the level of what you remember. The you you think you are goes on forever.

Now, describe “I am.”

If you notice carefully when consciousness is presented with the task of describing “I am”, it does the exact same thing as it did when it was aware of itself. This is reintegration of . Your intuition knows that the descriptions of Self are not Self. Consider once more the formula:

1 = 0
0 ≠ 1

Looking in the mirror, you can say that the reflection is you, but you cannot say that you are the reflection.

Are you the physical symbols that make up your name? Are you the vibrational waves of air that are produced when someone says your name? Are you your hand? Are you your life history? Are you any of the thoughts you think you are? Are you all of these things put together? Clearly you are not.

The “I am” is the fundamental mirror in which the Self is singularly, perfectly, reflected.

Being that everything is metaphor of Self, as all separate parts of a hologram display identical images of the same object, your individual human consciousness and human consciousness as a whole display the same process of Self-Realization. The following looks at how the fundamental formula relates to the inception and evolution of human consciousness as a whole.

The original thought was “I”. The arising of “I” was the evolutionary step into a higher level of Self-awareness. Up until that point, consciousness on earth had been aware of Self only in relation to it's interaction with itself as the physical realm. Every interaction, from the atomic, to the molecular, to the cellular, to the environmental was/is this relationship. In primitive man, consciousness knew it was because it saw, heard, felt, smelled, and tasted itself via the body.

When the “I” arose within consciousness via the evolutionary advanced human brain, suddenly consciousness was aware of Self in and of itself. It no longer required anything relative to itself “out there” in the physical realm from which to derive it's existence.

However, consciousness, having existed for eons in the relative realm of physicality, misinterpreted the “I” as originating from the body. This is the point where consciousness switches from the knowledge that 0 ≠ 1 into believing that 1 = 0.

Consciousness has perceived Self directly as “I” but has misidentified it as the mirror image of physical form. However, deep down, consciousness feels the ≠ of intuition telling it that Self is not physical. The “I”, having been recognized, will not go away. Intuition drives consciousness to continue to seek it's source. Having already accepted the source of the “I” to be the body, but not being able to find Self in the body, it projects the second mirror.

The projection of the second mirror is based upon the physical realm, as that is what has been consciousness' frame of Self-reference for eons. As a result, the second mirror reflects physicality.

The second mirror is the appearance of thought within consciousness.

Thought is a hybrid realm created by consciousness' attempt to integrate the “I” into physicality. When this hybrid image (of “I” combined with physicality) is reflected back onto/into physicality, it manifests as metaphor, symbol, language. Focusing on the symbol in an attempt to find the source of “I”, consciousness is “bounced back” into the thought mirror where the symbol takes on another hybrid image (another thought). That hybrid image then is reflected back into physicality in the form of yet another symbol/an expansion of language. This creates the feedback loop of dualism. The cycle of the feedback loop is powered by the focusing of consciousness.

All forms of language transmitted by symbol fundamentally do not represent physicality. Language represents thought. Thought is consciousness' attempt to integrate the “I” into physicality. 

Sunday, 17 November 2013

karma and samsara

You have taken yourself to be something that you are not. You believe yourself to be a convoluted mixture of physical and mental attributes. You have taken yourself to be your body and your thoughts. You are neither of these, but rather that from which body and thoughts arise. This misidentification is the cause of all of your vexation and suffering.

At this time it is imperative that you do the following:

Upon reaching the end of this sentence, stop reading and for a minute or so, simply be aware of your Self...

That awareness is Self.

When you became aware of Self, you stopped thinking, your vision became unfocused on physical objects, and focus went inward. This is the intuition of in operation. You know deep down that you are neither anything physical nor mental (Self has also been called “soul”) and when you search for Self, focus shifts from mind and matter to rest on Self.

Self is what is in the middle of the two mirrors of physical and non-physical experience.

You will have noticed that while aware of Self, focus kept shifting onto thought. Thoughts will have been popping in and out of awareness. This is caused by the shifting of the focus of consciousness from mirror to mirror as it is reflected back and forth between them.

The original mirror is the physical realm in general, and the body more specifically. When consciousness “entered” physical form and lost awareness of Self/Reality, it projected a second mirror in an attempt to regain Reality. That second mirror is thought.

Self is there all the time and you are aware of It at times, but for the vast majority of the time you are focused on either physical sensations/objects or thoughts. Having so much of your focus on these mirror images makes the Self seem less real and more transparent. If you observe your consciousness closely, you will see that a thought will lead to an action and that action will lead to another thought which subsequently will lead to another action.* 

*The cycle itself has been called “samsara”. The workings of the cycle – the tought-action-thought-action... – that drives the wheel of samsara, has been called “karma”.

Your intuition is constantly telling you deep deep down that you have forgotten something. You're not quite sure what that something is, but the drive to find it is the fundamental motivation for everything that you do. You are constantly looking for Self/Reality. You look in one mirror hoping to find that which you have forgotten, but all that happens is that the mirror reflects consciousness back to the other mirror. Until the spell is broken and your True Self (which is standing right in front of both mirrors) is seen, your thoughts and
actions will continue mirroring each other.

Another characteristic of the cycle is that the interaction between the mirrors causes an attractive force between them. The more intensely consciousness is focused on a mirror, the greater the intensity of the interaction between the mirrors and the greater the attractive force. The closer the mirrors get, the higher the frequency at which consciousness will be cycled between the two mirrors. This can produce exponential growth in the attractive force, which in turn results in an exponential increase in rate of attraction.

Humanity's consciousness is at the very tip of the exponential curve.*

*The average human consciousness has 50,000 thoughts/day. A century ago the average human consciousness had 5000 thoughts/day. If the original thought occurred 50,000 years ago, expressed exponentially, present human consciousness is at the very tip.

The mirrors are rushing toward each other at an unprecedented rate.

The mirrors are almost touching.

When the mirrors collide, a Big thing happens – the beginning of another cycle of samsara.

Fortunately, you, the individual representation of consciousness can transcend the big cycle human consciousness is trapped within.


Friday, 15 November 2013

The purpose of this blog is to free the reader from all vexation and suffering.

1. If there is a fundamental desire, it is to be free of vexation and suffering.

Consider all of humanity's endeavors to lessen vexation and suffering: Religion, philosophy, science, psychology, the legal system, medicine. Given the vast expanse of human knowledge contained within the above systems of thought:

Looking at the current condition of the human species, does it appear as though there is less physical and mental suffering than there ever has been, at any given point throughout the entire history of humanity?

Has it not been the case for every single human who has ever lived, that everything we have ever done has been to lessen vexation and suffering for both ourselves and our children? Again:

Does it appear as though there is less physical and mental suffering than there ever has been, at any given point throughout the entire history of humanity?

2. Despite all of human endeavor, the level of vexation and suffering experienced by humanity has remained unaffected.

We are are not recognizing the true source of vexation and suffering. Somehow we keep missing it. Over and over and over...

3. If there is a fundamental assumption, it is that Self is physical.


The singular function of the fundamental formula is to bring an end to all vexation and suffering. 

The fundamental formula is:

1 = 0
0 1


0 represents You (Self/Reality)
1 represents any/every thing and any/every non-thing


Imagine that you are looking into a mirror.

This scenario represents the 1 = 0 of the equation. The 0 is you; your reflection is the 1. The recognition you have of that being your image in the mirror is the = .

In this scenario there is also a simultaneous intuition that the image is not you. That intuition is the ≠ of the formula.

Now imagine that you become so entranced with your own image that you begin believing that it actually is you. In relation to the formula, this state can be expressed as:

= 1

This is the equivalent of looking out from the mirror and not seeing anything. However, the intuition (≠) is always in operation at the fundamental level. This intuition instantly “tells” you that you still exist, even though you can't see yourself.

Having felt this intuition, you immediately seek out your true Self. If you are able to recognize yourself, consciousness will shift back into/as Self/Reality. This is reintegration of the formula back to:

1 = 0
0 ≠ 1

You are back to knowing that the image in the mirror is you and you are not the image in the mirror.

If, on the other hand, are so entranced into believing that the mirror image is your true Self/Reality that you don't recognize yourself, you will see nothingness. You will see nothingness because your reality is now the mirror reality, and all that you will recognize as being “real” is that which exhibits mirror reality qualities. All that you experience as real is the two-dimensional reality of the mirror world. The hypnotic trance you are in makes you not recognize the three-dimensional reality.

Knowing intuitively that you exist, but not seeing anything existing, your consciousness does the only thing it can – project another reality. However, all your current level of conscious knows is the mirror realm, so the best it can do is project another mirror.

You now are looking into a mirror facing a mirror. The result is an instantaneous (actually at the speed of light) propagation of infinite copies of yourself. This can be expressed as:

0 = 1

Now one might assume that, upon seeing infinite copies of yourself, this would surely remind you of your true Self/Reality, but what actually happens is the very crux of the matter.

Being that you are the reality, you can never be outside of the system. This means that you are, and always will be, between the two mirrors. The result, therefore, is an image of your back in the second mirror.*

* Keep in mind that, even though you are actually still there, in your deluded state of accepting the two-dimensional mirror realm as reality, you are unable to see your true three-dimensional Self/Reality.

Having already lost awareness of Self/Reality and feeling the intuition that something was wrong, your consciousness projected the only reality it knew at the time. Expecting to see something familiar, it sees instead a part of you that is rarely paid attention to and relatively unfamiliar.

This can plunge your consciousness into a black hole of delusion.

Before we enter the black hole, however, let us come back to “reality.” The above scenario has incorporated the following metaphors:

The you that is referred to as “the true Self/Reality” has been the physical body. The reflection in the mirror has been the entranced self/two dimensional reality.

However, in order to gain insight of the fundamental formula, we need to take this metaphoric scenario one level deeper. This deeper level is to look at the scenario from the perspective of your body representing the 0 of the formula, and the image representing the 1 of the formula. Now, if 1 is any/everything and any/every non-thing, then the literal interpretation of the fundamental formula is that the physical body is not the true Self.

In other words,

Just as the image in the mirror is a representation of your body, so is your body a representation of your true Self. This means that the acceptance of this very realm as being real, is actually a delusion.

You are in the black hole.