Saturday, 30 November 2013

Ultimate Truth

This is happening.

“This is happening” is absolutely undeniable and therefore, Ultimate Truth.

I encourage you to investigate/experience the above axiom for a time. An effective way to delve deeper into it is to try to disprove it by finding any type of fault or incompleteness within it.

Welcome back.

If you have found “This is happening” to be absolutely undeniable, then it must be Ultimate Truth. There is no way around it. And if it is Ultimate Truth, it must be pointing to something important. If all relative truths point to some type of relative revelation, then the assumption would be that Ultimate Truth points to the Ultimate Revelation; the Ultimate Reality, which will be the conclusion/transcendence of all questing/questions, and an end to all suffering.

What is Ultimate Truth is pointing to?

Upon an initial, perhaps casual investigation, Ultimate Truth may appear rather static. Although it is undeniable, there doesn't seem to be anything that can be done with it. This is a very superficial level of understanding/experience. Awareness left at this level will quickly discard Ultimate Truth as an irrelevant curiosity.

However, if one is able to delve just a bit deeper into a more comprehensive understanding/experience, another level will be realized. The deeper level is the realization that Ultimate Truth is pointing to the “This” that is happening. The word “This” instantly brings one's attention to their immediate experience.

So could it be that the undifferentiated “This” that is one's own experience is Ultimate Reality? Close. Close enough that, if one were to simply abide in the undifferentiated “This”, Ultimate Reality would eventually spontaneously realize. There is, however, one more shift in awareness to occur.
The word/concept “This” points to present experience, and if we stopped there the inference would be that the immediate, present experience of this physical realm is Ultimate Reality. However, this present experience of the physical realm is itself pointing to something. Or rather, someone.
What is it that confirms both the Truth and the very existence of what the Truth is pointing to? The Ultimate Truth of “This” as both concept and physicality, is confirmed by you. You are the final step of the process. Concept points to physical experience and physical experience points to you. You are the end of the line.

You are Ultimate Reality.

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