Thursday, 28 November 2013

You are reading these words because you know you exist while you are reading these words.

This is how relative existence works. Consciousness in the state of relative existence requires something "other" in relation to itself in order to reaffirm it's own existence. This is the state in which almost all of human consciousness finds itself. However, rather than using the physical realm as it's source of relativity, as nature does, humanity is more and more using thought. 

Thought is not the source of "I", and as such is still within the realm of relative existence. It may appear as though "I" arises with thought, but this is only apparent when thinking. If consciousness associates the "I" with relative thought, then to not think is to not exist. 

Look at the state of human consciousness. Everywhere we go there are television monitors. How many people do you see during the day with earphones plugged into their heads? How many jobs are simply interaction with a computer screen? Why is there music played in nearly every public venue? I really need not go on. It is obvious that we are addicted to relative existence (50,000 thoughts per day! There are only 58,000 waking seconds in each day!!). Our relativity is not natural, however. It is a relative existence based upon our own creation. It is a relativity with no foundation. This is why and how we have become addicted to thought. This is why thought and the information age continue to grow exponentially. The pyramid scheme cannot live on it's own volition. Eventually it will collapse. That collapse is approaching.

Please do not miss the crux of what I am relating to you. 

There is no other reason for the exponential proliferation of thought within human consciousness than for that of deriving a sense of relative existence. 

Consider the vast expanse of all human thought. What is the state of humanity? Human consciousness will not, can not, find what it is looking for within the realm of thought. Human consciousness is looking for the source of  "I", which is none other than the "I" itself. 

You will never be satisfied unless you get in touch with the "I". You need to turn away from the relative realm of thought and abide in that which is Absolute and Self-evident. 

It is this close, this immediate. These words are showing you your Self. However, you don't need these words for you to abide as Self. You exist! The "I" inherent within you shines constantly, unintermittently. You need search no more.

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