Sunday, 17 November 2013

karma and samsara

You have taken yourself to be something that you are not. You believe yourself to be a convoluted mixture of physical and mental attributes. You have taken yourself to be your body and your thoughts. You are neither of these, but rather that from which body and thoughts arise. This misidentification is the cause of all of your vexation and suffering.

At this time it is imperative that you do the following:

Upon reaching the end of this sentence, stop reading and for a minute or so, simply be aware of your Self...

That awareness is Self.

When you became aware of Self, you stopped thinking, your vision became unfocused on physical objects, and focus went inward. This is the intuition of in operation. You know deep down that you are neither anything physical nor mental (Self has also been called “soul”) and when you search for Self, focus shifts from mind and matter to rest on Self.

Self is what is in the middle of the two mirrors of physical and non-physical experience.

You will have noticed that while aware of Self, focus kept shifting onto thought. Thoughts will have been popping in and out of awareness. This is caused by the shifting of the focus of consciousness from mirror to mirror as it is reflected back and forth between them.

The original mirror is the physical realm in general, and the body more specifically. When consciousness “entered” physical form and lost awareness of Self/Reality, it projected a second mirror in an attempt to regain Reality. That second mirror is thought.

Self is there all the time and you are aware of It at times, but for the vast majority of the time you are focused on either physical sensations/objects or thoughts. Having so much of your focus on these mirror images makes the Self seem less real and more transparent. If you observe your consciousness closely, you will see that a thought will lead to an action and that action will lead to another thought which subsequently will lead to another action.* 

*The cycle itself has been called “samsara”. The workings of the cycle – the tought-action-thought-action... – that drives the wheel of samsara, has been called “karma”.

Your intuition is constantly telling you deep deep down that you have forgotten something. You're not quite sure what that something is, but the drive to find it is the fundamental motivation for everything that you do. You are constantly looking for Self/Reality. You look in one mirror hoping to find that which you have forgotten, but all that happens is that the mirror reflects consciousness back to the other mirror. Until the spell is broken and your True Self (which is standing right in front of both mirrors) is seen, your thoughts and
actions will continue mirroring each other.

Another characteristic of the cycle is that the interaction between the mirrors causes an attractive force between them. The more intensely consciousness is focused on a mirror, the greater the intensity of the interaction between the mirrors and the greater the attractive force. The closer the mirrors get, the higher the frequency at which consciousness will be cycled between the two mirrors. This can produce exponential growth in the attractive force, which in turn results in an exponential increase in rate of attraction.

Humanity's consciousness is at the very tip of the exponential curve.*

*The average human consciousness has 50,000 thoughts/day. A century ago the average human consciousness had 5000 thoughts/day. If the original thought occurred 50,000 years ago, expressed exponentially, present human consciousness is at the very tip.

The mirrors are rushing toward each other at an unprecedented rate.

The mirrors are almost touching.

When the mirrors collide, a Big thing happens – the beginning of another cycle of samsara.

Fortunately, you, the individual representation of consciousness can transcend the big cycle human consciousness is trapped within.


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